Filled sponge biscuits

Filled sponge biscuits

Fun filled biscuits with a delicious dark chocolate coating

time required:[ 30min. ] servings:x 10
difficulty level:[ easy ] vote!x 76


  • Pavesini biscuits
  • 32% milk chocolate cream
  • Icing sugar


Boil the cream and pour it over the finely chopped milk chocolate (picture 1); mix thoroughly. Leave to rest overnight in the fridge, take out and whisk.

Use a sac-à-poche with a smooth nozzle (n°8) to pipe the mix on the flat side of the Pavesino biscuit (picture 2), top with another Pavesino and store the "sandwich" in the fridge (picture 3).

Sprinkle with icing sugar to taste.

Photo of the end result (picture 4).


  • Filled Pavesini biscuits

    Half the biscuit should be dipped into milk chocolate melted at 30°C, to bring out the full flavour and crunchy texture.

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