- consult the product details
- consult the product details
- consult the product details
egg yolks
70 g
480 g
180 g
10 g
instant coffee
100 g
whipped cream
time required: | [ 40min. ] | servings: | x 4 |
difficulty level: | [ medium ] | vote! | x 62 |
- Pieces of dry biscuits
- Coffee cream
- Light milk chocolate cream
- Frothy cream
- Cocoa
Method for coffee cream
- 4 yolks
- 40g sugar
- 180g milk
- 180g cream
- 10g instant coffee
- 80g white chocolate
Beat the yolks with the sugar, add the cream and the milk (picture 1) and heat to 40°, add the instant coffee (picture 2) and heat up to 82-84° in a bain marie or microwave; pour onto the pieces of white chocolate (picture 3) and mix thoroughly; store in the fridge.
Method for light milk chocolate cream
- 5 yolks
- 30g sugar
- 300g milk
- 120g milk chocolate
- 100g whipped cream
Mix the yolks with the sugar and the hot milk, then heat (without boiling) until the mix sticks to the spoon. Pour over the milk chocolate pieces and mix thoroughly. Store in the fridge.
Place a few pieces of dry biscuit in a cappuccino cup, pour in the coffee cream until half way up (picture 4) and place another layer of dry biscuits on top.
Take the light milk chocolate cream, add the whipped cream (picture 5) and fill up the cappuccino cup (picture 6). Leave to cool. Just before serving, decorate with frothy whipped cream and sprinkle with bitter cocoa powder.
Photo of the end result (picture 7).
Use the microwave to optimise times.
The microwave is very useful even for home pastry baking, both to speed the processes up (more than one cream can be cooked at the same time) and to avoid burning chocolate or other ingredients.